2013. október 29.

Póni zene #44.

Mostanában kicsit el lett hanyagolva a szürke csellista kedvenc stílusa, ez méltatlan bánásmód egy ilyen nagy hírű muzsikussal.

A lista elemei:
Radiarc - Ancient Power
Arvianth - Frost Queen
Citric Acid - Con Mane: Eclair Espionage
Citric Acid - Battle for Cloudsdale
galiant609 - My Little Pony Fan Music - Order of the Crystal Battleshield
Shurrikane - The Wolf Inside
J BRew - Elements of Symphony no. 3 "Sorrow and Joy"
Callenby - Octavia's Evening Waltz
Indiebrony - Celestia's Autumn
Carbon Maestro - Loveheart
Seventh Element - Together We Will Live Forever
Valentyne Bourtsev - Intro - Last Day in Equestria
Callenby - Midsummer
Flutterlover - The Carnival of Chaos
Sparkle_cast1 - Luna's rebellion
Retarded Wizard - Lunar Eclipse
Delta Brony - Nightmare Night (Haunted Symphony Remix)
Carbon Maestro - Luna's Wish - Equestria: Hidden History BGM
ImTheMoon - TRICKS
Shurrikane - Everfree Forest
alfKed and BlacqJack - Whatever the Cost